Reserve your sandboard rental by telephone, facsimile or E-mail. Please contact us specifying the dates for your rentals, the number of boards you would like to rent, the delivery address and the phone number you can be contacted at to confirm your rental. Telephone rentals may be reserved between 10am and 6pm weekdays.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 03-3868-8030
Fax: 03-3868-8031
Boards Available: YES
Rental Board Types:
Ocean Culture Freecarve 115
Venomous Raptor 105
Sidewinder 125
We cannot guarantee which board will be sent. The board sent will be dependent upon rental board availability for the rental date. Free wax is included with each rental. Please put the wax back in the board bag when you finish boarding.

It is recommended that you book a few weeks in advance during holidays.
We also offer cash on delivery (COD) payment for our rentals. When your rental sandboard arrives, pay the delivery guy and you are set for your sandboarding adventure.
Rental fees are non-refundable in the event of cancellation of sandboard rentals. In the event of cancellation of sandboard rentals due to weather conditions, Sand Sports Japan will refund 50% of the rental fees. Please note that the refund is at the sole discretion of Sand Sports Japan.
Two boards can be sent per shipment.
If need be you can pick up the boards from the following address
J Trade Inc
7F Kourakuen Saido Biru
1-1-5 Kouraku
Rental fees are only charged for the day you are boarding and not for the days the board is in transit of shipment. The board will arrive the day before your trip at your house.
Thank You. |
Fees Per Board:
Rental fees are 3500 yen per day for each sandboard, not including shipping fees. The shipping company determines shipping fees and you will be informed of the fees at the time of rental confirmation.
Payment methods include cash on delivery (C.O.D.) and bank transfer within Japan (Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.). Please note that for C.O.D. rentals, an additional fee of 315 yen is charged by the shipping company, which is not included in the original rental fee, and will be payable at the time of delivery by the customer.